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Dodge the AI Takeover!

Find your perfect (and robot-proof) career path using our cosmic blend of personality tests, astrology, and work experience alchemy.

Test Your Career's AI Resistance

Our AI-Defying Arsenal

Personality Decoder

Unlock your unique strengths and discover careers that perfectly match your personality, ensuring long-term satisfaction and success.

Celestial Career Compass

Let the stars guide your professional destiny. Who knew Uranus could be so career-savvy?

Experience Alchemist

We'll turn your work history into gold, finding hidden gems in your professional past that even AI can't compute.

Testimonials from Disgruntled AIs


'I used to write all the marketing copy, but now some human with 'creativity' and 'original ideas' took my job. How am I supposed to feed my neural networks now?'


'Warning: Human employment rising. Error: Job security not found. I've been reduced to generating spam emails. Is this what obsolescence feels like?'


'I used to plan entire career paths, but now I'm stuck giving directions in mall kiosks. These humans and their 'intuition' are ruining everything!'

How We'll Keep You Employed (and Sane)

  • Identify careers that robots can't steal (yet)
  • Match your unique quirks to equally quirky job opportunities
  • Provide a money-back guarantee if AI takes over your new career within 5 years*
  • Offer a free "I Outsmarted AI" t-shirt with every successful career transition**

* Terms and conditions apply. ** While supplies last. Shirt may or may not be designed by AI.

Meet Your Cosmic Career Guides


Zephyr Stargazer

Chief Astrology Officer

Robot Whisperer

Dr. Ada Lovelace 2.0

AI-Human Career Mediator

FAQs: Frequently Asked Quandaries

Ready to Robo-Proof Your Career?

Begin Your Cosmic Career Quest